The Call Center section is designed to give you fast access to the most important and frequently viewed information of your call queues. There are five components of the Call Center section:
- My queues
- My statistics
- Status (Online/ Offline)
- Active phones
- Recent call history
My Queues
All call queues that you are assigned to will be listed here. Your queues will be displayed with the name, the extension number, the type of queue, the queue’s priority, wrap up time, and the number of callers waiting.

This section displays important data in three graphs: My Calls Per Day (for the last 10 days), My Calls Per Hour (for the last 24 hours), and Call by Organization Source (for the last 24 hours).
Statistics for:
- Calls comming from your call center "Inbound"
- Calls comming to your extension "Inbound"
- Calls made from your extension "outbound"

This section allows you to switch between online/offline or single-call mode. You can provide a reason for being offline such as your lunch, a meeting, a break, etc.
NOTE: When in single-call mode, you will receive one call and then automatically be put into offline mode when the call is completed. |
Active Phones
If you have multiple phones or devices that you are connected to, you can choose which devices are logged in by clicking the checkbox(es) beside the name(s) of the device(s) you want to use. When switching between devices, a pop-up message will appear confirming which device is currently active.
*Imp: If you need to connect to your Q with SBKMobile app on you mobile you will need to lunch your app and login for your softphone to apear in the Active Phone list.
**Imp: Only 1 device per user can be logged in a Q by an Agent. A call center supervisor could log multiple phone from an agent to a Q! This would break all logs and statistics SO VERRY IMPORTANT DO NOT LOG MORE THAN 1 DEVICE PER AGENTS.
This is what you will see if your SBKMobile app is not active
Your Active Phone list is showing your SBKmobile app after you have fired it and log in
Call History
You can quickly see the most recent inbound, outbound, and missed calls. Most recent calls are listed at the top.

Using your SBK Webphone as an call center agent
As an agent you have the option to use multiple devices to log in your call center and take calls. One of thoses option is SBK Webphone running on Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. This softphone will permit you to log in your call centers, take calls, consult your calls, look at your call stats and more.